Located on the far eastern shore of Honduras, La Mosquitia is only accessible by water and air. Considered to be the largest wilderness area in Central America, it is populated by indigenous and ethnic groups with over 100,000 residents.
Boasting a dirt runway, the capital city of Puerto Lempira sits on the shores of the Caratasca Lagoon. With just a few paved roads, nearly 50,000 people call Puerto Lempira home.
With 82% of the population being indigenous Miskito, the Miskito language is the dominant and official language of the region, followed by Mayangna and Spanish.
Due to the remoteness of the region, and difficulty in transportation, there are few missionary efforts in La Mosquitia. With villages scattered throughout the vast plains, there is a great need for evangelistic outreach, and strategic church planting efforts.
Envisioned to establish the CORE Missions Basecamp, we believe that with the combined efforts of like-minded ministries, much work can be accomplished through evangelistic outreaches, Bible and ministry training, medical relief aide, and homes for at-risk children.
For more information, and to learn how we plan to use the property, please watch the short video below.
We are in the processing of purchasing 1,000 Miskito Bibles to be strategically distributed amongst the villages in La Mosquitia. Please take a few minutes to watch the short video at the bottom of this page regarding this project.
With an opportunity to provide Bibles to nearly 100 villages within two hours of our Basecamp property, we are asking you to consider partnering with us in this unique and exciting opportunity.